We are working very closely with Yang Ming, Maersk, Matson, Logistic Company who are among the largest companies in the world to ensure our shipments arrive in a timely manner.

Our company has relative experience, well-established organization structure, and strong support to assist both overseas companies entering American market and American companies entering the overseas market. Pacific Materials have departments of documentation to help you solve the problem with tedious government documents, import, and export, transportation.

  • Investment: International business cooperation, commercial property, warehouse, bankrupt industry, American manufacturer and product assembly.
  • Export U.S. made brands, clothing, cosmetics,  light industry, equipment, chemical industry;
  • Importing quality materials to helps our business partners reduce the cost of production.
  • We have warehouse and can do oversea shipment and inspection


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Pacific Materials has a good reputation in the history of importing and exporting, we are keeping a close cooperated relationship with companies from all over the world. We are familiar with the operation models of the world market. We can assist companies to enter American market and also American companies entering the oversea market. We will use our powerful resources and sale connection to bridge the market and explore the whole market for companies around the world.